Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Prostrate Cancer: Advanced Prostate Cancer Treatment

By Linda Hinkle

There are several treatment options for men with advanced prostate cancer. The choice of treatment depends on how far advanced the cancer is, the patient's age and his personal preferences. Prostate cancer is considered to be advanced when it has spread (metastasized) beyond the prostate gland to other areas of the body. There is no cure for advanced prostate cancer, but treatments can help slow its growth, minimize spreading and ease symptoms.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Cure for Cancer: How to Cure Breast Discomfort Naturally

Several things can cause breast discomfort whether it be breast feeding, menopause, a benign lump or premenstrual swelling. This nagging pain can keep a woman from a much needed sleep, an active lifestyle or cause anxiety. Fortunately, there are several natural methods of dealing with breast discomfort that are easy to do at home.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Cancer Cure: How to Use Natural Supplements for Cancer

Step 1
Capsaicin: Capsaicin from hot peppers such as cayenne can cause prostate cancer cells to kill themselves, as reported in the journal Cancer Research.

Step 2
Cat’s Claw: This herb has been shown to boost white blood cell count in rats receiving chemotherapy. Low white blood cell count is a side effect of chemotherapy.

Monday, November 30, 2009

How to Use Healing Clay for Breast Cancer

By Sue K

It is estimated that breast cancer will cause 40,170 deaths in 2009 in the United States alone. Because of these high rates, women often use various allopathic and alternative therapies both to prevent and help cure breast cancer. One of the alternative methods is clay healing. Clay has been long been used to mitigate and cure disease, as it removes

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Prostatic Cancer in Dogs

By Elizabeth A. Maginnis

Canine prostatic cancer commonly occurs in older male dogs, usually without an obvious cause. Castration has no effect on your dog's chances for developing the disease. Unfortunately, this cancer, once developed, tends to spread to other parts of the body and does not typically present with symptoms until it is well advanced. Although prognosis is poor, certain treatments can make your dog more comfortable.

Friday, November 20, 2009

How to Use Herbs to Cure Pancreatitis in Dogs

By Alicia Bodine

Pancreatitis is found in older dogs that have become overweight due to bad eating habits. Pancreatitis happens when the dogs' pancreas becomes inflamed. Dogs suffering from pancreatitis will begin to have a lack of appetite, vomit and experience diarrhea, pain in the abdomen, bloating and a fever. If your dog is beginning to show signs of this disease, you may want to begin giving him some herbs.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Cancer-Curing Herbs

Using herbs to cure cancer is not new. It is just largely suppressed by the FDA as a legitimate cancer treatment. In fact, over three thousand herbs are used to treat cancer. Many are controversial. However, those who use the herbs swear that they work. Using herbs for medical purposes is not unusual. Pharmaceuticals often begin with herbs to create modern drugs.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Cures for Cervical Cancer

The cells of the cervix sometimes undergo genetic mutation, often as a result of HPV infection. When this happens, the cells can begin to grow uncontrollably, leading to cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is usually screened for with a pap smear, and any abnormalities can be examined more closely via a biopsy. As with any cancer, catching it early is key to curing it.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Cure Cancer: How to Help Cure Lung Cancer

By Frank Dioso

Cancer is a type of disease in which there is uncontrollable growth in cell division causing your normal cells to mutate and invade other cells. Lung cancer is a kind of cancer that originates in the tissues of your lungs and airway passages. Two types of lung cancer are non-small cell lung cancer and small cell lung cancer, both of which can be differentiated by observing the shape of the cell under the microscope. If left untreated, lung cancer can metastasize (spread) to other internal organs and lessen your lifespan. By employing remedies, you can help your body cure your cancer alongside your conventional treatments.

Friday, October 30, 2009

How to Benefit from Mustard Herbal Remedies

Mustard as an herb can be used in ground powder form or in its whole seed form. It is a very popular spice known worldwide and can be mixed with wine, vinegar or other liquid to create a loose paste. There is black, brown and white varieties of mustard. However, it is not only beneficial in cooking but also has some medicinal benefits such as:

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Cure Cancer: Natural Herbs for Prostate Cancer

By Pamela Gentry

The American Cancer Society estimates that more than 180,400 new cases of prostate cancer are diagnosed yearly, and more than 31,900 men die from it every year. A relatively slow-growing cancer, prostate cancer is a disease which often strikes men 65 years or older and is also common for those who have had a close family member with prostate cancer.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Cure Dog Cancer: Natural Cures for Your Dog's Prostate Problems

By Elizabeth A. Maginnis

Dog prostate problems include enlargement, inflammation and cancer. Enlargement is the most common problem occurring in intact male dogs. Non-cancerous prostate problems generally develop most often in older dogs and rarely in neutered dogs of any age. Herbal and homeopathic treatments and vitamin and mineral supplements are quite beneficial in the treatment of certain canine prostate issues. Canine prostate cancer, however, does not discriminate between intact and neutered dogs and is not treatable.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Graviola Cancer Cure: How to Grow Graviola

By Roxx
 Graviola has been one of those herbs that is storming the marketplace these days. The tree itself is a small evergreen that naturally grows in the tropical rain forests in South America. The fruit and extract from the tree has been shown to significantly increase the healing process of cancers, asthma and tumors, and has helped prevent heart attacks.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Cure Breast Cancer: Natural Cures for Breast Cancer

By Ocean Malandra

Breast cancer affects women of all ages, and is on the rise in developed countries, leading many to search for a natural cure. Breast cancer occurs when a malignant tumor forms in the breast, and natural cures attempt to arrest the growth, destroy the cancerous cells and detoxify the causative agent in the body.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Cure for cancer: Benefits of Graviola Leaf

By Olivia Savoie
Graviola leaves are large, shiny, dark green leaves that grow on the evergreen Graviola tree, which can be found in the rainforests of North and South America. While scientifically classified as annona muricata, graviola is also known by localized names such as guanabana, Brazilian paw paw and soursop. All of the parts of the graviola tree have been traditionally used for medicinal purposes, including its bark,

Lung Cancer and Consequences

This video reveals the consequences of lung cancer. I hope it will convince you on the need to find ways of preventing cancer before cancer stops your life

Monday, October 12, 2009

Graviola Cancer Cure: How to Use Graviola To Cure Breast Cancer

By Emma Gin
Graviola is a small evergreen tree that produces large, glossy leaves and heart-shaped, yellow-green fruit. It can be found growing in the wild in the tropics and the Amazon. While the native populations in those areas have been aware of graviola's medicinal properties for centuries,

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Cancer Cure: Natural Cures for Skin Cancer

By Ocean Malandra

Skin cancer is on the rise worldwide and, like all cancer, is caused by a large number of variables and specific conditions. Many natural cures for skin cancer are touted on the Internet and most have not been studied by the scientific community. However, many people claim to have cured cancer using natural substances and many of these substances have long histories of traditional use worldwide. Escharotic salves based on natural herbs are currently widely-used, and may be a natural cure for skin cancer.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Graviola Cancer Cure: Graviola Leaves for Dogs

By Kelsey Erin Shipman
Parts of the Graviola tree have been used for centuries by the native people of the Amazon Basin. It has been most known in the West for its cancer-fighting properties.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Cancer Cure: Natural Cures for Prostate Cancer

By Ocean Malandra

Prostate cancer is a painful and common form of cancer that is found only in men, and is related to a number of known and unknown factors. Since many natural substances are beneficial for prostate health and have cancer inhibiting properties, there is potential for a natural cure for prostate cancer.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Cancer: Melanoma Skin Cancer Causes

There is no known exact cause for melanoma skin cancer, but

Friday, September 25, 2009

Symptoms of cancer: Known Causes of Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer is often not diagnosed until the disease has advanced and

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Symptoms of cancer: What causes Brain Cancer?

There are more than 100 different types of brain cancer (defined as a growth of tumors within the brain tissue), and a number of possible causes as well. Primary brain tumors start in the brain, while secondary tumors are cancerous growths that originate elsewhere in the body. Knowing the risk factors and understanding the causes can allow you to be more proactive in seeking testing and treatment.

1. Ask yourself if you are at high risk of developing a brain tumor. Do you already have cancer elsewhere in the body? Have you been exposed to radiation or carcinogens? Are you suffering from an auto-immune disorder? Learn more at the National Cancer Institute Web site (see "Resources" below).

2. Realize that the causes of brain cancer are not entirely understood. However, like all cancers, brain tumors are the result of genetic mutations. Some of these gene abnormalities are inherited, while others are acquired. Activities such as cigarette smoking and ingesting toxic chemicals can damage otherwise normal genes. The medical community is actively engaged in learning more about the causes of brain cancer.

3. Follow up any initial diagnosis of brain cancer with your own research using reliable sources such as the American Cancer Society and National Cancer Institute Web sites (see "Resources" below). This will allow you to ask your doctor intelligent questions about pain management, alternative therapies and other aspects of dealing with the disease.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Symptoms of Cancer: What Causes Liver Cancer?

Cirrhosis is a condition characterized by the liver getting scarred. One of the main reasons for cirrhosis is excessive alcohol use. The liver filters the blood of toxins and impurities. When you drink high amounts of alcohol for a long period of time, the liver has to work really hard to break it down, which damages it and as a result, leads to cirrhosis.

There are four types of hepatitis. Hepatitis B and C can cause swelling, irritation, cirrhosis and also lead to liver cancer. They can be acquired from using dirty needles, blood transfusions and having unprotected sex with someone who is infected. Alcohol use can also exacerbate the condition.

A lot of professional and recreational body builders resort to the use of steroids to gain mass and maintain it. They may be affective at building muscle, but they also come with harmful side effects, not to mention they are illegal. When used for a long period of time, they can ultimately lead to liver cancer.

Aflotaxins are carcinogenic compounds that are found in rice, wheat, soybeans, peanuts and corn. They are usually found in tropical climates and when exposed to them for long periods of time, they can lead to liver cancer.

There are some parts of the world and even the United States that have drinking water contaminated with arsenic. Continued consumption of water that contains arsenic can lead to liver cancer.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Cancer: What Causes Prostrate Cancer?

Prostate cancer is cancer of the prostate gland. Prostate cancer is ranked fifth among the most common cancers worldwide. It accounts for almost one-third of all cancers in men, with more than 180,000 new cases every year. The most important risk factors of prostate cancer include age, race, family history and diet.

The exact cause of prostate cancer has not been identified. However, several risk factors are known to increase the risk of prostate cancer. Family history is a major risk factor. If you have a family member (e.g. father, son, brother) diagnosed with prostate cancer, your risk of developing prostate cancer is increased by 2.5 times in comparison to the general population. Race/ethnicity is another major risk factor. It is well established that African-American men are at elevated risk for prostate cancer. Asian men are least likely to develop prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is also more likely to occur in older men. The average age of diagnosis for prostate cancer is 69. Diet also affects the risk of prostate cancer, as a diet containing a lot of animal fat tends to increase the risk of prostate cancer.

About 30,000 men die of prostate cancer every year in the United States. Almost all patients diagnosed with prostate cancers live more than 5 years after diagnosis and 75 percent of them live more than 15 years.

The rate of prostate cancer varies significantly between different countries. United States has the highest rate of prostate cancer in the world. Asian countries, such as Vietnam, China and Thailand, report the lowest rates of prostate cancer.

The rate of prostate cancer in the United States doubled in the past 20 years. This can be explained by the introduction of prostate cancer screening based on PSA testing, which detects a high level of prostate specific antigen and enables early detection of prostate cancer.

Studies showed that use of selenium, vitamins E and D, lycopene, green tea and soy foods can lower the risk of prostate cancer. Several studies suggested that high frequency of ejaculation is associated with lower risk of prostate cancer.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Cancer: What Causes Cervical Cancer?

The majority of cervical cancers in the United States are caused by human papilloma virus (HPV). Up to 70 percent of all diagnosed cervical cancers are caused by this sexually transmitted disease. Other causes include smoking, chlamydia, diet, HIV infection, birth control pills, multiple pregnancies, genetics or maternal exposure to a drug called diethylstilbestrol (DES) that was available from the 1940s until the early 1970's.

1. HPV and Cervical Cancer
HPV is a disease transmitted through contact. Sexual intercourse is not required to transmit HPV; any genital contact with an infected person can transmit the virus. The majority of strains of HPV are harmless and clear up on their own, but HPV type 16 and 18 are responsible for approximately 70 percent of all cervical cancer diagnoses in the United States. The cell changes associated with HPV that cause cervical cancer are generally very slow, and can be identified and treated in annual Pap smears before cervical cancer develops.

2. Smoking
Smoking cigarettes dramatically increases the risk of contracting HPV. Women who smoke cigarettes regularly are twice as likely to be diagnosed with cervical cancer as women who do not smoke cigarettes. According to the American Cancer Society, doctors believe this occurs because the chemicals in tobacco smoke cause damage to the DNA of cervical cells.

3. HIV
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the virus that causes AIDS, also seems to be a risk factor for cervical cancer. Doctors speculate that HIV is not the direct cause of cervical cancer, but it lowers immune response and makes it more difficult for the body to fight off HPV, which then causes the cervical cancer.

4. Chlamydia Infection
Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted bacterial infection. It is generally asymptomatic. The American Cancer Society suggests that women with a past history of chlamydia, or a current chlamydia infection, are more likely to get cervical cancer than women with no history of the illness.

5. Other Potential Causes
The use of the birth control pill may also increase the risk of cervical cancer. The longer the pill is used for, the higher the risk. Multiple pregnancies have also been linked with an increased risk of cervical cancer. A diet low in vegetables may also be a contributing factor. Finally, a genetic predisposition to cervical cancer, and/or low income status are also risk factors for cervical cancer.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Symptoms of Prostrate Cancer

During the early stages of prostate cancer, men often do not experience any symptoms. The symptoms of prostate cancer can mimic other conditions such as an enlarged prostate gland. Since the prostate gland is located near the rectum, your doctor may do a finger exam to feel for a tumor or enlarged prostate gland. A prostate tumor can cause a blockage of the urethra and thus result in an enlarged bladder as well.

Frequent Urination
Men with prostate cancer can experience an increase in nighttime urination as well as frequent urination during the day.

Urine Retention
You may experience problems with passing urine or not be able to urinate.

Full Bladder Sensation
If you have prostate cancer, your bladder may feel full even after urination

Weak Flow of Urine
There may be flow interruptions or a very weak flow during urination

Urination Pain
You may feel pain when ejaculating or urinating.

Signs of Blood
There may be blood present in your semen or urine if you have prostate cancer.

Pelvic Pain
You may experience dull pain in your lower back or pelvic region.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Breast Cancer: How to Get Up to Date Breast Cancer Information

Breast cancer is a disease that kills thousands upon thousands of individuals (both men and women) every year. As with any illness, information and "facts" about breast cancer can change on a monthly, weekly and even daily basis. Individuals who have breast cancer or are close to a person with the disease may wish to stay updated on any news regarding the disease as often as possible. Here are some ways to get up to date breast cancer information

Step 1
Log onto the Susan G. Komen For The Cure home page. This is a foundation which funds cancer research, promotes breast cancer educational programs and offers funding and other resources to people who are fighting breast cancer. You can read the latest headlines regarding breast cancer by clicking on the "Breast Cancer News" tab in the "Latest Headlines" box found on the home page. Click the "More" link in the bottom of the box to read even more news stories.

Step 2
Find up-to-date breast cancer information on Health Central. Health Central lists news stories and other information about deadly diseases such as diabetes, AIDS and breast cancer on a daily basis. Click the "Breast Cancer" link on the left side of the Health Central home page. At the top of the next Web page, you will find up to date information listed in the "Latest Breast Cancer News" box. You can also read stories posted by individuals dealing with breast cancer and information about treatments on this page.

Step 3
Sign up for the National Breast Cancer Foundation newsletter. The NBCF is an organization similar to the Susan G. Komen For The Cure foundation. Click the "Newsletter" link found underneath the "About NBCF" heading at the very bottom of the home page. Enter the required information and you will be receive the newsletter to your email address every time it is produced.

Step 4
Read up-to-date breast cancer information that is published on Medical News Today. This website does all of the work for you as it lists numerous articles regarding breast cancer from numerous sources and does so every day. Scroll down the home page and you will find articles that have been posted during the previous two weeks.

Step 5
Find breast cancer news on the Science Daily website. Here is where you can find and read stories about breast cancer treatments and facts. Scroll down the "Breast Cancer News" portion of the Science Daily website to find links to articles that have been published on that particular day. You can also cycle through other pages to find articles from previous days.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Breast cancer: How to Prevent Breast Cancer With Superfoods

By Apollo Leong M.D.

Don't we all know somebody who has had breast cancer? For non-smoking American women breast cancer remains the most likely cancer to occur over a lifetime. Though early detection methods and advanced treatments have dramatically improved outcomes for women breast cancer remains an emotionally and physically devastating disease. There are numerous factors that determine a woman's lifetime risk for developing breast cancer. Some factors such as genetic defects are difficult to alter; however, medical studies are demonstrating the increasingly critical role of diet and nutrition in preventing breast cancer. How can we prevent breast cancer by incorporating superfoods into our daily diet?

1. Eat plenty of cruciferous vegetables daily. This group of superfoods contain an active ingredient called indole which serves to stimulate the body's immune system to prevent breast cancers from ever occurring. Animals fed cruciferous vegetables developed far fewer cancers than their counterparts even when they were exposed to cancer causing toxins. So eat your broccoli, cabbage and brussel sprouts like your mother urged you to.

2. Eat plenty of carotenoid containing vegetables. Carotenoids are the colorful pigment chemicals which provide bright yellow, red and orange hues to certain plants and vegetables such as carrots, oranges and peaches. In addition to being colorful they're powerful antioxidants that protect the body against free radicals which are known to promote breast cancer.

3. Drink plenty of catechin containing green tea. Catechins are a type of flavonoid that stimulate the immune system to detect and eliminate early breast cancer cells more efficiently. Catechins also seem to prevent breast cancer by not allowing cancer inducing chemicals to damage human cells.

4. Numerous mushrooms from maitake to the common button mushroom have been shown to prevent breast cancer. Women who consumed the largest quantities of green tea and mushrooms had 90 percent less breast cancer than women who consumed the least amount of these superfoods. The medicinal effects of mushrooms against breast cancer are numerous. Mushrooms contain polysaccharides called beta-glucan which directly kill breast cancer cells; stimulate the immune system to eradicate precancerous cells and reduce estrogen levels which fuel breast cancer cell growth.

5. Miso is a traditional Japanese seasoning produced from fermented soybeans. In the U.S. it's usually used for broth or soup stock. In addition to being high in protein and low in calories miso also has an immune stimulating effect which allows the body's defenses to more quickly detect and remove early breast cancer cells from the body.

6. How To Prevent Breast Cancer With Superfoods
Eat plenty of colored berries such as blueberries, raspberries and strawberries. These popular superfruits contain extremely high levels of antioxidants such as anthocyanins, lycopenes and phenolics. Many healthy foods contain antioxidants; however, based on extensive research the superfruits contain the very highest amounts of antioxidants based on the ORAC scale(Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity).

7. How To Prevent Breast Cancer With Superfoods
Add more garlic to your diet. That distinct garlic aroma is due to allyl sulfides which also happen to be potent anti-cancer agents. Garlic has the ability to enhance the immune system in it's never-ending battle to eliminate early cancer cells from the body.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Breast cancer: How to Defend Yourself Against Breast Cancer

The best defense against breast cancer thus far is early detection: The earlier it's detected, the easier it is to treat. Help protect yourself by having a regular breast exam. These guidelines follow the recommendations of the American Cancer Society.
1. Get a mammogram done annually if you are over 40 years of age.

2. Have a clinical breast examination (CBE) done annually by a health care professional if you are over 40 years of age - preferably around the time that you receive your mammogram.

3. Have a CBE done once every three years if you are 20 to 39 years of age.

4. Conduct a breast self-exam monthly if you are over 20 years of age.

5. Cut down on cigarettes - researchers have estimated that nearly 50 percent of women are sensitive to the carcinogens in tobacco, which means an increased risk of developing breast cancer.

6. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables: They contain antioxidant vitamins and other nutrients that can help in cancer prevention.

7. Eat foods high in phytoestrogen, a chemical found in soy products, flaxseed and whole grains.

8. Reduce alcohol intake, which has been statistically linked to an increase in the risk of breast cancer.

9. Exercise regularly and maintain a normal body weight

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Cancer: How to Recognize Cancer Symptoms

There are some symptoms to watch out for when it comes to cancer detection. Many cancer symptoms are similar to other general health problems, but consider your age and family history. If you are experiencing possible cancer symptoms see a doctor as soon as possible do not wait. If it is cancer you will have a better chance for full recovery. If it is not cancer you will feel better to know that your symptoms are not related to cancer and you can track down the real problem.

The following symptoms should raise a red flag concerning your health since they may all be signs of possible cancer:

Look for unexplained weight loss, unexplained fever, prolonged fatigue, pain, or skin changes.

1. If you any of these symptoms seek a medical evaluation to determine if you may have cancer.

2. If you are experiencing unusual bleeding or discharge, seek medical advice. Even if you are following up from a recent surgery or other disease these symptoms could indicate the underlying problem may be cancer. These symptoms could indicate possible cervical, lung, bladder, or kidney cancer.

3. Look for changes bladder or bowel functions. Changes could indicate possible colon, bladder, or prostate cancer.

4. Be on the alert for thickening or a lump in the breast, testicle, or other part of the body. Schedule periodic doctor check ups and regular cancer screenings to help in detection. These symptoms may indicate possible breast or testicular cancer.

5. Look for sores that will not heal. Watch moles or warts and look for changes. If you notice irregularities see a dermatologist who specializes in skin cancer for an examination.

6. If you have issues with indigestion or have difficulty swallowing check with your doctor. Chronic coughing or hoarseness could also signal potential stomach, throat, or esophagus cancer.
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